Buying New Clothes in Dream
Luke 15:22 King James Version
'But the father said to his servants, Bring forth
the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring
on his hand, and shoes on his feet'
Clothes are fabric, silk, wool, or cotten materials that we wear to conceal our nakedness or to appear presentable.
When someone offers you new clothes or buys them for you, it represents advancement, honor, a new identity, and glory.
When you see yourself purchasing new clothing, it indicates that you are entering a new level of identity and glory.
**If you see dirty or damaged garments in your dream, it represents a life of immorality, disgrace, demotion, wretchedness, or enslavement.
Sewing fresh fabric signifies preparing for new honor, thing, or glory.
**When you sew or patch a damaged cloth, it represents mediocrity, an average existence, or old grandeur.
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