Dream (U-Z)

 Dreams Alphabet (U to Z)

-Underwear Dreams

It means secret. Someone wearing your underwear means the person knows your secret.


Vampire dreams:

Activities of blood sucking (witches and wizards). 


It represents rescue from bad poisons.

Window Dreams  

A person may be watching you sleep from your window. It means that someone is gossiping about you or conducting a private investigation. If the visitor came to your window and left, it suggests you both have some scores to settle. 

WATER/Tapwater Dreams:

Tap water represents peace, life, and blessings. Rainwater represents blessings, but if it beats you so hard that your clothes are wet, it means trouble. Mud water represents shame, disappointment, or satanic hindrances or embarrassment. Flood: represents problems, calamity, or hatred. River: A calm river in your dream represents abundance of peace. Sea: Swimming in the sea represents marine activity. WRITING EXAM: If you see yourself in your school, it means you are doing well.

Writing Exam Dream

Writing a professional exam you don't know about can represent a life trial or test. If you didn't do well in school or dropped out and have a dream about teaching in secondary school, it may indicate a need to further your education. Alternatively, seeing yourself teaching can indicate a natural talent for teaching.

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